Dragon Sex Calendar
Dragon Sex Calendar
Dragon Sex Calendar
Dragon Sex Calendar
Dragon Sex Calendar
Dragon Sex Calendar

Dragon Sex Calendar

(1 votes)
Dragon Sex 2019 Wall Calendar: This great yet ridiculous wall calendar showcases the artwork of 12 different artists, with each month depicting a different sex act performed by dragons. Our artists have been featured in museums, on the covers of DC comics, and have even illustrated the covers of major sci-fi and fantasy novels! This 2019 wall calendar is the perfect snarky, sarcastic gag gift idea for any loved one in your life--even yourself! Also, come the Holidays, this calendar makes the perfect White Elephant gift. This calendar is now world-famous, having been featured on tv shows such as @Midnight on Comedy Central, Vice (not yet aired). A fantastic gift or a fabulous addition to your home or office Great for nerds, geeks, gamers, and the fantasy lore enthusiasts we all know and love Each calendar is individually shrinkwrapped and includes a rigid insert
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