Pepper Spray Bracelet
Pepper Spray Bracelet
Pepper Spray Bracelet

Pepper Spray Bracelet

(2 votes)
No more embarrassing, bulky pepper spray canisters. This clever & discreet silicone band conceals a powerful 10% pepper spray solution. And with a 3-foot range, it lets you stay out of harm's way, too. Joggers, college students, shift workers and others … if you're frequently alone and on foot, then you know how nerve-wracking it can be. From the footsteps behind you to the stranger who stares just a little too long, it's hard to feel safe. Personal protection devices such as pepper spray can help. But lugging around a big can of spray is not only inconvenient; it can be difficult to get to, just when you need it most. The patented design of Little Viper’s Pepper Spray Bracelet is different. This comfortable, wearable design makes it easy to keep your pepper spray within reach. No more fumbling inside your purse or backpack, and no bulky glove to wear either. Even better, it's discreet enough for everyday wear, and no one but you will know you’re carrying a self-defense device.
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