Star Wars Jedi Bath Robe
Star Wars Jedi Bath Robe
Star Wars Jedi Bath Robe

Star Wars Jedi Bath Robe

(2 votes)
What could be better on an evening than strutting around in your Jedi robe, making sure your Lightsaber doesn't inadvertently pop out due to your lack of jimmy-jams? The Jedi Dressing Gown is made of soft 100% cotton velour and has a Jedi logo embroidered on the front. The bath robe's large hood, sash belt and wide sleeves are classic features of a Jedi robe. Will you be seduced by the dark side (your smelly old bathrobe with cat hair all over the back) or will you fight for justice...or at least the last Jaffa a brand new Jedi Dressing Gown? Either way, these make great Fathers Day gifts for Star Wars fans.Great as novelty gifts, if the force is strong in you why not treat them to a Star Wars Bath Robe! Ideal gifts for Birthdays, Fathers Day, Christmas gifts, or just as gifts for men who have everything, the Jedi Dressing Gown will easily replace that old scruffy bath robe you bought a long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away...
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