Mini Espresso Maker
Mini Espresso Maker
Mini Espresso Maker
Mini Espresso Maker
Mini Espresso Maker
Mini Espresso Maker
Mini Espresso Maker
Mini Espresso Maker
Mini Espresso Maker

Mini Espresso Maker

(1 votes)
Be your own barista. With a Minipresso GR, you can pour high quality espresso anywhere and anytime. At under 1lb and 8" long, it fits in your backpack, carry on luggage, glove box, or desk drawer. Pull amazing shots on your schedule, waking up or the craving just hits.

The Minipresso GR uses ground beans, and you need a source for hot water, a tea kettle for example. We are taking espresso on the road, way beyond the normal range. Whether you sleep in a tent, a hotel bed, or at home, Minipress has you covered for your ritual morning cup.

Forget the pot they call coffee in the office break room. Enjoy an espresso, or two, in the time it takes staning in line at the coffee shop, at a fraction of the cost.
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